Evaluation Services
An evaluation plan shows that program objectives are well defined, measureable and achievable. An evaluation plan can include identification of research questions from a literature review which are aligned to a program logic model, implementation timeline, data collection procedures, assessment tools, data collection protocol, data collection process, analysis of the data and development of reports to stakeholders. Our evaluation services may include:
Evaluation of performance improvement initiatives
Evaluation design
Needs assessment
Program effectiveness
Qualitative and quantitative research
Organizational climate assessments
Community assessments
Demographic and disparity data collection
Data collection outreach
Readiness assessments
Evaluation criteria development
Performance report cards
Cost-benefit analysis
Upstream investments application development
Our Evaluation experience includes:
Evaluation of the first qualitative study on workplace hearing protection for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Client: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia
Services: Evaluated hearing conservation program effectiveness in the United States. This was the first qualitative research study in the country to gather data on the use of hearing protection in the workplace. The results were published in the Journal of Safety Research.
Organizational climate assessment of hospital network IT department
Client: Community Health Network, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Assessed the organizational climate of the health network's information technology department.
Community-wide assessment of citizens' health concerns
Client: Health & Hospital Corporation, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Conducted a community health assessment to identify the priority health concerns of residents of Indianapolis, Indiana, through a series of public input sessions, focus groups, and interviews with health professionals, government leaders and concerned citizens. The published report is titled "Voice of the Community."
Evaluated regional partner strategies and operational capacity for state arts agency
Client: Indiana Arts Commission, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Evaluated and identified staff operations processes, determined organizational capacity improvement opportunities, identified barriers keeping staff from being more successful and recommended ways to overcome those barriers, and recommended communication improvement strategies among the regional partners, the eight major funded arts partners, Commission members and other stakeholders.
First statewide disparity study on women and minority-owned businesses in Indiana
Client: Indiana Department of Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Collected and summarized data from Indiana business owners to determine the level of disparity that exists for women and minority-owned businesses on state government contracts.
Needs assessment and improvements for Juvenile Corrections educational facilities
Client: Indiana Department of Correction, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Worked with North Central Accreditation to design and implement a school wide needs assessment and improvement project for the juvenile correctional facilities throughout the State of Indiana.
Special education data analysis
Client: Indiana Department of Education Office of Special Education, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Conducted data analysis services regarding special education disproportionality reporting.
Needs assessment for the Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Client: Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Conducted an agency-wide training needs assessment followed by training of trainers in the Office of Environmental Response.
Statewide readiness assessment for Homeland Security
Client: Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Conducted a statewide readiness assessment of the ten Indiana Homeland Security Districts; Established ten District Planning Oversight Committees and ten District Planning Councils throughout Indiana.
Surveying of officials and planning organizations regarding federally funded transportation projects
Client: Indiana Department of Transportation, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Surveyed local elected officials, highway engineers, metropolitan planning organizations, and state and federal Department of Transportation officials to assess the process used by the Indiana Department of Transportation to build local highway and bridge projects that are federally funded.
Evaluation of Indiana's Career and Technical Education Programs
Client: Indiana Department of Workforce Development, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Established evaluation criteria and conducted on-site evaluations of Perkins-funded career and technical education programs in secondary and post-secondary schools throughout Indiana. Evaluated Tech Prep initiatives in Indiana's high schools.
Evaluation and development of Workforce Literacy attainment models
Client: Indiana Department of Workforce Development, Columbus, Indiana
Services: Determined community standards for workforce skills and education attainment.
Evaluation of the quality of care provided by mental health providers in the State of Indiana
Client: Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Co-developed and published report cards for the performance of the care providers in Indiana who serve those suffering from mental health illness and addiction.
Cost-benefit analysis for direct support professionals
Client: Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Conducted a cost-benefit analysis initiative to train Direct Support Professionals who support individuals with disabilities and their families.
Interest and impact assessments for Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Client: Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Conducted community interest and impact assessments on the Indiana Senior Community Service Employment Program, provided outreach services to support community coalition for the program and provided marketing and public relations services.
Efficiency and Excellence K-12 education assessment
Client: Indiana State Board of Education, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Evaluated and assessed K-12 education in Indiana in a report titled Efficiency and Excellence.
Post-secondary needs assessment for university
Client: Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana
Services: Assessed the need for post-secondary education in Northeastern Indiana.
Statewide citizen input project to identify best practices to decrease public assistance dependency
Client: Iowa Department of Human Services, Des Moines, Iowa
Services: Identified of citizen priorities regarding fatherhood, marriage, and family supports to improve the lives of children in Iowa. Evaluation informed statewide implementations to decrease reliance on assistance.
Comprehensive evaluation of Kentucky's Community Development Block Grant Program
Client: Kentucky Department for Local Government, Lexington, Kentucky
Services: Conducted a review of Kentucky's Community Development Block Grant program including: analyzation of application process and documents; reviewing how funding decisions are made; assessing training needs of grant administrators; examining process of how funds are drawn from the federal treasury; assessing how and when communities are informed about the program; and reviewing project administration and record keeping. This project resulted in increased training for grant administrators, improved federal funding draw down rates, and increased communication with community leaders responsible for housing and infrastructure development.
Statewide evaluation of Indiana's public education system
Client: National Association of State Boards of Education and National Governors Association, Indianapolis, Indiana
Services: Implemented an extensive, statewide evaluation of Indiana's public education system.
Developed arts evaluation plan for city arts center
Client: Petaluma Arts Center, Petaluma, California
Services: Developed arts education evaluation plan for internal use.
Analysis of funding received by countywide nonprofits and how those funds were being used
Client: Lake Area United Way, Griffith, Indiana
Services: Conducted an analysis of the types of amounts of funding received by not-for-profit organizations in Lake County, Indiana and how this funding is used in the community.
Evaluation of human service needs for United Way
Client: Jackson County United Way, Jennings County United Way, United Way of DeKalb County, United Way of Adams County, and United Way of Fulton County, Indiana
Services: Evaluated the most critical human service needs in five Indiana United Way's service areas.
Evaluation of Northern California United Way tax assistance and early childhood education programs
Client: United Way of Wine Country, Santa Rosa, California
Services: Implemented first evaluation of United Way's Earn It! Keep it! Save it! tax assistance and School Backpack Readiness programs and provided detailed report on outcomes and recommendations for both programs.